A center made for you. An opportunity to discover the Azores Bullfinch and support its preservation !
Interpretation center of Priolo
The Interpretation Center of Priolo was opened to the public in 2007, and is today the gateway to the largest protected area of the Lands of Priolo, promoting informed and sustainable visitation of this territory. It is coordinated by the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds - SPEA, a non-profit Non-Governmental Organization that is closely connected to the conservation of the Azores Bullfinch, Priolo as it is known in portuguese.
Inside the center, you will have access to a nice exhibition, you can also enjoy a welcoming reception area with a shop and a small bar and you can also visit the "House of Priolo". You should definitely visit this inclusive place, where you can participate in activities and guided tours, and thus contribute to the conservation of a unique bird species.
The Interpretation Centre of Priolo is certified with Clean and Safe Azores safety warranty seal from the Regional Directorate of Tourism of Azores. This way, we guarantee a safe visit!
From March 15th to November 15th
Tuesday to Saturday: 10:30 – 18:00
*Other dates and schedules only by appointment and depending availability.
Please, contact us
+351 918 536 123 | centropriolo@spea.pt

We are located in Cancela do Cinzeiro Recreational Forest Reserve, in Pedreira, Nordeste.
If you plan to drive, we advise you to use the SCUT until Vila do Nordeste and once there to follow the regional road to Pedreira, always following the signs for the Priolo Environmental Center.
You can also put on your GPS LAT: 37º48'5.8 "N LONG: 25º9'47.39" W.
For any further questions, please call +351 91 853 61 23 or email us at centropriolo@spea.pt