27th of June to 1st of July, 2022
registrations are no longer open, as the limit number of registrations has been reached.
After some delay due to Covid-19 pandemic, the IV Atlas of Priolo will be carried out between the 27th of June and 1st of July, 2022. Keep this date in your calendar and help us to count all Azores Bullfinches of the world!
Registrations for volunteers to participate in the IV Atlas do Priolo are open between February 2nd and April 1st through the form, available at the link: https://s.gle/c33hbHvWnjfrbmr7A.
SPEA will provide accommodation for the volunteers during the five days of the event. The volunteers will also be offered transport, from the airport to the accommodation, on the 25th and 26th of June.
It is not necessary to be an experienced birdwatcher and anyone (age 18+) can participate in the Atlas. SPEA will provide specific training for the Priolo census during Atlas week.

In case of doubts or for further information about the IV Atlas do Priolo, please contact:
Tarso Costa: tarso.costa@spea.pt
Direção Regional de Ciência e Transição Digital;
Câmara Municipal de Nordeste;
Wayzor Rent-a-car;