The Azores archipelago, due to its genesis, location and isolation, presents today a great diversity in species, landscapes or habitats. This makes the Azores unique and holds countless riches, some of which are threatened and of great conservation importance, with which its residents come into contact on a daily basis. Over the decades, various efforts have been made by various entities to ensure the continuity and resilience of various species and the sustainability of their habitats.
Marine litter has become a global problem, with considerable socio-economic impact, harming fishing, tourism and bathing areas. In addition, there are other threats that affect marine biodiversity, especially seabirds, contributing to their being the most threatened group of birds in the world. This is the case of Light Pollution, a silent threat whose disruptive effects have been evident in Azorean Seabirds, such as the Cory's Shearwater.


This contest aims to encourage discussion and promote active citizenship in Schools in the Azores, through the organization of a working group with environmental volunteer actions that allow them to develop the chosen theme and raise awareness of the school community where they are inserted.
2nd cycle and 3rd cycle classes or classes with adapted or vocational curricula of the same degree on the island of São Miguel
Azorean species and marine litter
Marine species are now vulnerable to various threats.
It is intended that students promote an awareness campaign for the conservation of a marine species from the Azores and that are based on the reason for its protection.
Only campaigns that focus on Azorean species and the consequences of marine litter will be accepted.
Material apoio disponibilizado
Conto do Jaime (edição em papel)
Duração 1h
Habitats affected
by marine litter
Ensuring a sustainable future involves protecting resources from today to tomorrow.
It is intended that students can focus mainly on examples of conservation projects, sustainable projects or sustainable behaviors, so that their campaigns promote the sustainability of the object of their campaign and can be replicated.
Material de apoio disponibilizado
KIT recolha de resíduos (luvas, balança, sacos reutilizáveis, prancheta e alcool gel)
Duração 1h
*Formações presenciais podem ser requeridas com um mínimo de 5 candidatos por entidade
Duração do ProjetO
Docentes e educadores informais das escolas, instituições e grupos de ocupação de tempo livre que pretendam candidatar-se a este projeto de curta duração devem efetuar a sua inscrição e realizar a sua formação até fevereiro de 2025.
Inscrições até 30 nov 24
Capacitação até Dez 24, Jan 25, Fev 25
Envolver na ação Jan 25 a Fev 25
- Registration for the contest must be made through the appropriate form, until December 30, 2021.
- Enrollment in the competition will be carried out by a complete class with a responsible teacher who will be responsible for coordinating the work of the class.
- Classes must create working groups and choose from the proposals presented the campaign that will represent the class in the contest. Each working group will make a campaign proposal (message and actions to be carried out) and the class will vote among these options which campaign to implement. The whole class must contribute to the final work.
- Each campaign must have a clear main message summarized in a phrase or slogan.
- Each campaign must have at least one/two actions to be implemented by the class in order to communicate or involve the school community in order to promote awareness and/or change in behavior in relation to the identified problem.
- These actions may include communication campaigns, “door-to-door” awareness-raising, volunteer actions, organization of debates on the subject with experts, collection of signatures and petitions, etc.
- Preference is given to works that use the reuse of materials and recycling and that raise awareness of issues considered important in the Azores. And that they work the themes in an ecological way and without environmental damage.
- Students and teachers have full artistic freedom for the campaign and even create campaigns to develop with the teachers of your school, for the students of your school, specific classes, employees of your school or even those responsible for education, or even with local government mechanisms such as the city council, parish council for example.
- Students can resort to the use of networks and media for the dissemination of your campaign, but this must be carried out in person at your school or chosen place with the chosen public.
- Classes can submit campaigns with themes other than those presented in this contest, but only after approval by the contest jury.
- 3 will be awarded classes within the scope of this contest . The school of the winning class may include other classes up to the limit of the number of passengers on the 55-seat bus.
- Each class must submit a brief report to the contest that includes the various campaign proposals considered, the result of the vote and evidence of the implementation of the actions proposed in the campaign (photographs, printscreen from social networks and links to websites, videos, materials produced, etc) . This report should also estimate the number and type of people involved in the campaign. This report shall be submitted in proper form respecting the restrictions on the number of words and attaching to it the proof of carrying out the actions delivered by email to until April 30, 2022.
Os candidatos que completem a formação receberão certificado de participação e material de apoio disponibilizado na formação escolhida.